Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Painted Paper Landscape Collage

Abstract Expressionist Joan Mitchel “As the impressionists attempted to deal with the optical effects of nature, the American Abstract Expressionists were interested in the optical effects of spiritual states, thereby giving an old style a new subject…” Elaine de Kooning

 Why make a cut painted paper collage?
it is so meditative
connects notions of collage, bricolage, assemblage, and ideas about contemporary art
Learn about shapes, color value
It is like a game
Everybody approaches the problem differently
Learn to think in shapes, learn to pay attention, to observe, to compose, learn to appreciate the painting

 Why paint a landscape in the first place?
maybe there is a spiritual element in the landscape, it is peaceful, to document unspoiled America...to capture the feeling of a fleeting moment
The web of painted paper. We talked about the idea of the sophisticated teacher who is also a curriculum theorist...when the principal walks in and sees everyone having so much fun painting paper, he might ask, what is going on here?  But as a curriculum designer, you have located art learning in a complex web of important contexts...We are learning about composition, color theory, Abstract Expressionism, how to hold and use a brush, how to mix colors, theories of Modern Art, Zen Buddhism, action painting.  Students are also developing confidence and comaraderie.  

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