Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Learning Goals: 

We talked about Gorillas, King Kong, Gorillas in the Mist, Grizzly Bears and Learning Goals;
Why are we taking students outside, learning about ecological issues, studying George Inness and landscape and wilderness, Thoreau, Wendell Berry, plein air? 

Connect research to artmaking
Increase appreciation, respect, reverence for the natural world
So students will learn how to use oil paint, oil pastel, paint paper, learn about color.
Learn to appreciate and understand American traditions of landscape painting
and other landscape painting traditions
And become literate in an artistic tradition
Do learning goals have to be measurable?
Student will learn to persist, to keep going, to try things that might fail
They will connect their artwork to broader contexts and important issues
Like ecology, climate change, ecological devastation, extinction...
Students will create personally meaningful artwork informed by artistic traditions, contemporary art and important ecological issues.
They will become conversant with our culture's and other culture's ideas about nature, including how it is portrayed in visual culture. 

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Drawing Figure