Sunday, October 7, 2018

Painting Outside

 What else could we do to scaffold learning based on our exploration of ideas about nature?
do an abstract paining
match paint swatches
make a range of hues
do research about an artist
consider recycling: like plastic for example
do a study of plastic
make an outdoor easel
figure out your own personal plein air setup
do drawings outside
watch movies about artists who work with ecology
show movies about popular culture and ideas about nature
make gesso
teach about oil paint and its history

What kind of final project do you envision?
Make a field guide about nature close to where we live
Find a relic and make an abstract transformation of it
Make a land art work
Pick one of themes, such as wilderness, and develop it into an artwork
Do a series of outdoor landscape paintings and drawings
Take one hundred photographs of a place, maybe a special place, then create a collage from them.
Do a painting of the collage of one hundred photographs
Create a natural history collection of a place
Go on a field trip into the desert and create a series of painting, photographs, and objects
Do  a large painting based on a particular place and your small studies of the place

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